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Indy Campus


Current Series

My Church

In this series we will look at the importance of spiritual family, the church.

Vineyard DNA

In this series we look at some of the unique values we hold as a Vineyard Church.

Divine Direction

The choices you make today will lead you one way or another—but when you know who to trust, you'll always be headed in the Divine DirectionIn this series, we learn how to seek God's will for our lives and how He cares more about who we are than what we do. 

Passport to Adventure

The Christian life is meant to be an adventure. Jesus has challenged all of us to go into all the world and share the Good News and demonstrate His love. In this series, we explore ways to live out this mandate

In the Ring

Discover some ways to improve any relationship in which you are involved.  Whether dating, marriage, family, or work relationships, there are some practical truths from God's Word that can make your relationships better.

Moving Mountains

In this series we learn how to enter into prayer with confidence and assurance. Some of life's biggest mountains can be moved through prayer.


The Time is Now

The time is now to change for the better. We learn affective approaches to change through scripture.

The Heart Has a Home

We invite you to "come home" this Christmas season and experience the place your heart has always longed for.

Altar Ego

All of us have an ego. It's how we view ourselves and the world around us. We have to choose which version of ourselves we're going to live from. One of these egos is going to have to be placed on the altar.


Who was the real Jesus? Often times we settle for a lesser version of the most influential man that ever lived. Join us as we look at Jesus in ways we never have before.

Why Church?

Is the church still relevant today? Join us as we explore this question and what it means to be the church.

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